When Love is a Characteristic

I hate it when people make fun of others when they fall,  it hurts me especially if it’s in a way directly connected to me,  most especially if I was trying to get over what just happened like my favorite team lost, or my friend fumbled or….  Just find any example of things that’d hurt you.

But then I realised I do it too,  use other people’s weakness to get at them,  poke fun at them(seems to be my hobby), and it’s fun doing so……  But my Bible says love your neighbour as you love yourself….  Self interpreted to be ‘do unto others what you want to be done to you’ so why then am I hurt and touchy when it’s done to me but don’t expect others to be hurt when I do mine. Isn’t that a fleshy nature.

I am learning from this and I want you to do too….  If you ain’t comfortable when it’s done to you, you have two options,  grow a thick skin or more flesh to accommodate it when done to you OR stop doing it….  If you can’t tolerate it and finding it hard to stop. Look up to God and let him guide you.

You and I want a good world? You and I have to work towards it.

 CONFESSION : I love you just as myself so I would do to you what I would let happen to me…

In the End, It Will All Make Perfect Sense

So, I like to relate my issues to Bible Characters. And on this one, Christ is the perfect model. I’ve been through a point in my life where I have wondered if I have ever made sense. If I should just keep quiet and stay where I ‘belong’ because those that mattered to me never paid attention. No matter how desperate I tried to please them, I nev Continue reading

When Love Isn’t Just a Feeling: Are You Sure You’re Not Treading That Path too?

“Why not?” Aunt Tricia replied. I felt like we were acting a movie. She sniffed again. After so many years, I thought my aunt had healed for real. But apparently, I had re-opened a sore that had been taking so much time to heal. Continue reading

I Will Be Out of this Sad Tunnel

This tunnel is too silent
I look around
And find only darkness
I can hear voices
I know I’m not alone in the tunnel
But I’m afraid to meet others in the tunnel.

I keep moving,
Hoping for the light
At the end of the tunnel
The flicker of light in my hand
Keeps me moving, hoping
I will get out of the tunnel

I hear voices
Some of delight
Some of anguish
But the tunnel is too dark
This flicker of light
Keeps me moving in the tunnel

I will enjoy this journey
No matter how dark it gets
The flicker will keep me moving
No matter how long it gets
I am sure
I will come out of the tunnel

I see carvings on the wall
I see footprints in the sand
This flicker of light
Makes me know
Some have trod this place
And are out of the tunnel

The carvings tell tales
Tales of laughter, of sadness
I try to fit in the printS
Some are large, others too small
My feet doesn’t fit in
So much tales in the tunnel

My feet also join the tales
For others to see
I search for clues
If only the carvings will show somewhere
If only the prints will lead somewhere
Somewhere, the end of the tunnel

I will keep my flicker of light
For it gives me the exact sight
The hope that I will be out
Someday, I will be out
This flicker makes me know
Very near, is the end of the tunnel

But now, I will wait on Him
I will enjoy the tales told
By the carvings and footprints
I will add mine too
For others to see
Others who get into the tunnel

In the end I know
I will see the Greater Light
It will overwhelm me
I will laugh hard at my plight
Because I will be out
I will be out of this sad tunnel


The noise from the house made my head spin. I felt like a swarm of bees buzzed around my head. My sisters were at it again ‘partying’ (I choose to call it that because they were doing more than just listening to music). I was not ready for this, so I turned back.

Heading to where? The first thought was S.B’s house. But was that even an option? I just had a session with her husband and welcoming me for the night would be a great favor on his part. I wished my parents were home.

But B.J surely knew how to get me pissed. He always acted like a big brother (that’s a plus) but monitoring my every movement is what I wouldn’t take. Agreed, he’s married to my sister, his lovely wedded wife to love and to cherish till death do them part but he’s got no right whatsoever to monitor me!

Yes! I felt the colour drain from my face. I stood there for a while deciding what to do; either to walk into the house and give the girls a piece of my mind or swallow my pride and go back (pleadingly) to my sister’s house.

Suddenly, everywhere was quiet. Continue reading